The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA process is open to receive all who want to be a member of the Roman Catholic Church.
Who is invited to particpate in the RCIA process?
The process of welcoming those who wish to enter the Catholic Church is the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program.
There is no specific starting month or time realtive to your journey, anyone may come anytime on board and join in the journey. The spiritual journey is continuing and on-going.
If you have any questions about this journey, please contact Lourdes and John Nieves
@ [email protected] so that we can meet you, answer your questions, discuss your spiritual formation, and provide you with resources.
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Some people become a Catholic gradually. They were baptized as infants, grew up in Catholic homes, received a religious education, and gradually shared in the sacraments of the Church.
Other Catholics came to the Church as adults, sometimes already baptized, sometimes having received a religious formation in another faith.
They may have been contacted by a Catholic but they probably made the first move by talking to a priest or someone else about the Church.
The Church wants to welcome all adults who are interested in the Catholic faith.
For those who think they might wish to become Catholic, the Church's Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) provides for the whole process of preparing adults for initiation into the Catholic Church. It is often referred to as the "catechumenate".
The catechumenate is an extended period of instruction, of listening to the Scriptures, of praying and observing how Christians actually live their faith.
It provides an opportunity for deepening one's understanding of the Gospel message, for spiritual renewal and for direct contact with members of the local church.
The catechumenate is a process, which prepares persons for full membership in the Catholic Church. It includes various rites that are celebrated on the way to full membership in the Catholic Church. These rites mark the spiritual growth of the candidates and visibly express the community's concern for them.
What Are the Stages of the Christian Initiation of Adults?
If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, please consider our RCIA process.
In this process, adults and children of 7 and older learn about the Catholic tradition and prepare for the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
Non-baptized adults, baptized person from other Christian communities and baptized Catholics who have not received Eucharist and Confirmation are all welcome to be a part of our program. If married, Catholic spouses are invited to come as well.